Ein Arbeiter scannt mit einem digitalen Geraet ein Paket

Returns logistics

Lagermax arranges return processes extremely efficiently. This saves costs as well as reducing your customers' processing times.

Fast and precise handling.

Through rapid return of the goods to the sender due to incorrect or  erroneous orders or the end of the guarantee period, Lagermax’s return logistics is a simple and easy way to turn this into a competitive advantage.

Your contact for returns

Lagermax Logistics Austria GmbH
Department AED

Thomas Teufl
T. +43 6212 66440

Fürnbuch 6 | 5162 Obertrum am See

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Minimum transit times for returns.
Returned goods management
Lagermax Mitarbeiter bei Inventur mittels Scanner.
Make sure you know where your goods are.
Lagermax Mitarbeiter hat ein Mobilgeraet in der Nahaufnahme