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Lagermax Logistics tests exoskeleton at Salzburg location


Salzburg, September 21, 2022. Lagermax Logistics Austria GmbH is testing the use of exoskeletons in the warehousing area at the Salzburg logistics site. At the beginning of September, several employees were equipped with the new technical aids. The exoskeletons intend to support employees in their physical work and should provide relief in everyday work.

Experience under real conditions

The task of the initial test phase is to find out how the use can be applied practically and efficiently in everyday life. "By means of the exoskeletons, we hope for promising relief for our employees. The optimal support of the upper body relieves the back and prevents health-damaging overloads as well as accidents at work", Michael Macheiner, Managing Director of Lagermax Logistics Austria GmbH, is convinced of the acquisition. During the test phase, the focus will be on loading and unloading operations in the cargo handling area, as this is naturally where the greatest strain is placed on the body. Each exoskeleton can be easily adapted to different body shapes and automatically follows the individual movements of the user.

Equipped for the future

In view of the steadily increasing customer volumes in the handling and logistics sector, the acquisition of the exoskeletons provides another important building block within Lagermax Logistics Austria to create significant physical relief for its employees and prevent damage to health.

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