Man sieht einen Lagermax Mitarbeiter im Reifenlager bei der Arbeit

Tyre logistics

Lagermax optimizes your inventory control and reduces the possibility of overstocking or understocking.

We expand your storage space.

To prevent capacity restrictions , lower fixed costs and give your company more flexibility, make use of out tyre logistics storage! 

Our high bay warehouse offers the perfect conditions for the storage of winter and summer tyres as well as hardtops. Furthermore, all configurations can be carried out online with the barcode-supported warehouse management system. 

Your benefits at a glance.

  • We pick up the tyres at the customer’s

  • Stacking on pallets

  • Recording of the tyre set with vehicle license plate, customer name and tyre designation

Your contact for tyre logistics.

Lagermax Logistics Austria GmbH
Bernhard Osond

Radingerstraße 16 | 5020 Salzburg

T. +43 662 40902108

send email
We handle all your logistics.
Es faehrt ein Gabelstapler in einer Paketversand Halle auf Fokus zu
The right partner for tyre changes, mounting and storage.
Tyre service
Ein Arbeiter greift einen Autoreifen im Hochformat