Man sieht eine Arbeiterin bei der Politur eines Fahrzeugs im Querformat


Lagermax specialists have years of experience and are familiar with the latest technologies.

Comprehensive range of repair work. 

Whether stone damage, window replacement or claims processing, our body workshop and repair workshop carry out all kinds of repair and modification work. 


We make sure your vehicles are always fully equipped. 

With our ISO 9001 quality management, our painting facilities are state of the art. And with heat recuperation with modules for energy saving, air-stop system and mufflers on the in-flow and out-flow ducts, our painting facilities and the materials we use fulfil the latest environmental standards. 

Lagermax specialists check which type of repair is best for you. However, depending on the type, extent or length of the damage, the entire windshield may have to be replaced. 

With our new CSR - Car Soft Repair system - we quickly and cost-effectively remove dents on the car body. No additional costs for new parts or painting. The innovative CSR technique enables optimal remediation of the damage without destroying the paint surface.

We quickly remedy all kinds of damage to vehicle bodies in our in-house workshop.

Your contact.

Lagermax Autotransport GmbH

Lagermax Straße 1
5204 Straßwalchen, Austria

T.: +43 (0)6215 84850

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Pre-delivery inspection
PDI - complete inspection before delivery.
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Es wird ein Fahrzeug im Rahmen der Pre Delivery Inspection poliert
Industrial painting
High-quality parts painting for various industries
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Ein Lagermax Mitarbeiter beim Fahrzeugumbau rechts neben Karosserie Teil