Lagermax Mitarbeiter bei Inventur mittels Scanner.

Value added services

We generate added value! Lagermax boosts the efficiency of your supply chain while reducing costs and ensuring fast availability of goods for customers.

Simple and straightforward. 

Our proactive shipment tracking and/or monthly reporting is as simple as it is straightforward.

The  SPOC (Single Point of Contact) area enables personal support for each individual customer.
Producers, traders and private individuals receive fast and competent information.

In addition, we are happy to help you with the provision of personnel.

Your benefits.

  • Labelling, packing, repackaging

  • Sampling

  • Set selection

  • Reporting, automated inventory reports

  • Inventory processing and execution

Your contact for value added services

Lagermax Logistics Austria GmbH
Bernhard Osond

Radingerstraße 16 | 5020 Salzburg

T. +43 662 40902108

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