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Lagermax awarded as "Best apprenticing company of the year".


Salzburg, May 17, 2022. Lagermax convinced with its training- and further education-concept for apprentices in the competition "Bist du g'scheit" from the Salzburg Chamber of Commerce and received the award as "Best Apprenticing Company of the Year" in Salzburg in the category large companies. Lagermax offers young employees comprehensive training and development opportunities during their apprenticeship.

"You are world-changing"

The guiding principle in the training of our young generation is "You are world-changing" and is a clear commitment to the importance of young professionals of tomorrow. The base for a sound training is our rotation principle, in which employees and more than 30 trainers continuously support our apprentices - both professionally and personally.

Numerous benefits such as apprentice camps, apprenticeship with Matura, internships abroad, an attractive bonus system, meal vouchers and specialist training courses create incentives for top performances from our young employees.

"The award is a great success for us and we are very proud of it. The success goes to our currently more than 30 apprentices", says Susanne Traunfellner, apprentice representative at Lagermax. At the same time, Jan Eckschlager was chosen as one of the ten best apprentices of the year in the province of Salzburg. This shows that support and promotion of apprentices is worthwhile in order to train the young generation as skilled workers for tomorrow.

Over decades, more than 300 apprentices have already been successfully trained at Lagermax. This shows a deeply rooted corporate culture within apprenticeship training and strengthens the awareness of those responsible to guarantee young employees the best training opportunities as a solid base for their careers.



Picture 1: Michaela Hilber (Jury WKS), Joelina Mondrzik (Apprentice Spedition Salzburg), Susanne Traunfellner (Apprentice Representative Lagermax), Günter Fridrich (CHRO Lagermax), Dr. Manfred Pammer (Director WKS)

Picture 2: Eckschlager Jan (Apprentice Spedition Salzburg)

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